Address: |
view address Warner Robins, GA 31093 Map Location |
Property Type: | Residential Lot |
Neighborhood: | None | County: | Houston |
List Date: | 2024-06-09 | Listing Number: | 243733 |
Parcel numbers 0095C 004000 and 003000 are both shown on this listing and are available to be purchased together. The acreage together is approximately 2.1 acres Unable to find lot numbers in tax records. Please call David Westra for further information 478 951 5887
Elementary School: | Northside | Middle or Junior School: | Northside |
High School: | Northside |
Community information and market data Powered by Onboard Informatics. Copyright ©2024 Onboard Informatics. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.
Community information and market data Powered by Onboard Informatics. Copyright ©2024 Onboard Informatics. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.
Community information and market data Powered by Onboard Informatics. Copyright ©2024 Onboard Informatics. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.